What the freaking what?
Yesterday I overheard someone say it was the last Wednesday of the year, and that sounded so weird and wrong. I could have sworn the first Wednesday of the year was just last week... I mean, three weeks ago max...
2015 has been one hell of a year. 'Scuse my language, but emphasis on the helluva part. We started the year frustrated with jobs in Charleston, I started my Pilates certification, I met Frank Abagnale, Jr., Freddie got a new job and we moved to Texas all within a two-and-a-half-week time span, we went to a butt load of weddings (butt load = four), and we started our bigger and better Tex Mex life.
I also have flown exactly twenty times since we moved so holy bleeping moly, #whydontihaveamillionandfiveskymilesyet?
I seriously thought about going back month-by-month and giving everyone the rundown recap, but that takes a long time to do, and I've got a dog to snuggle wuggle and episodes of Making a Murderer to watch.
SO...welcome to my Top Five Blog Posts From 2015, according to my stats page.
In February I started my Pilates certification program. Two months after I started the program in Georgia, we found out we were moving to Texas. No big deal or anything. Georgia and Texas are so close, right? Not only was I able to continue the program, but I now teach at an amazing studio in Houston where I was taken in completely with full support and open arms. I wrote about the transition from teaching dance to teaching Pilates. My ballerina tattoo even made an appearance. Dear Pilates, sorry I don't have a Pilates tattoo.
We announced to the world that we were...not pregnant and moving. Moving to Texas! I cannot accurately explain how crazy the experience of Freddie being miserable at his job, interviewing at MD Anderson, being sure he wasn't going to get it, being sad he was so sure he wouldn't get it because he really wanted it, being shocked when he was offered said job, and moving to Texas two weeks after the offer was given was. It was ::insert more descriptive word than crazy here::
Before I made it out to Texas to meet Ricky, I stopped in Georgia to throw my best friend a bridal shower Treat Yo Self style. Side note: my best friend and I always say that a better word than best needs to be used to describe our friendship because we are better than just best friends. Thanks to synonym.com we now call each other upper crust friends. Don't be jealous.
Side side note: Don't worry, this is not the look we wore to the shower. Obvi.
2015 was a sad year for the world, in general. There was a lot of hate, and Charleston fell victim to that hate. Seeing a city that is so special to me, that still feels so much like home to me, rise up from such a terrible crime turned me into quite an emotional Emily. Hashtag Charleston Strong, betches! I'm still so proud of Chucky-town for how it handled the tragedy. Other cities in the world, how have you not learned more from Charleston yet?
drumroll please...
my most viewed post of 2015...
Real Life Vs. Fake Life! Otherwise known as Pillow Talk Isn't Real. Otherwise otherwise known as Why Alcohol And Future Baby Talk Don't Mix. I, however, still refuse to believe that pillow talk is a myth. Just last night I tried to get Freddie to talk to me in bed. Then I fell asleep. But we went to bed at the same time! One step closer to talking on the pils (is that what the cool kids are calling pillows these days?). Progress, not perfection, people.
Enjoy every last second of 2015!
Happy New Year's Eve!