Favorite Jam
There's something about this time of year + pumpkins Mumford and Sons that just goes so well together. I like to put on their album Babel
and just jam it out. Like head banging, air banjo playing jam it out. Try it. Your head and fake banjo will thank you.
Another Whole30 staple in our house. We have been making a batch of about 300 every Sunday. I'm kidding. It felt like 300, but was probably more like 50 (so 300, yes).
Favorite Expensive Thing I Want
Buuuuuut I also want my backpack purse. So basically, I am a terrible and very materialistic person, so I'll just take one or the other. That makes it all better, right?
^^both paragraphs are ridiculous. 'Scuse me. Carry on.
Favorite Pilates Move
Pro-tip: don't roll away like a ball <<such a good tip, I know! Real pro-tip: Only roll to your shoulders, or if you have spinal injuries just roll back a few inches off of your sitz bones <<actually a real and important tip! Rolling like a ball is great as a massage for your spine, AND it helps you find abdominal control. Your abs become your brakes in this move. Now get to it, do it.
Favorite I Might Pee My Pants Because I'm So Excited
Exactly five months ago we left Chucktown and headed for Texas. I lurve where we are now, but there's a big piece of my heart in Charleston. So...drumroll please...in exactly one month we will be reunited with Charleston AND with the best of friends!!! !! !! Here's hoping I can contain my excitement and not pee my pants waiting for November to get here. Nope, I can't. Hurry up, November.
Exactly five months ago we left Chucktown and headed for Texas. I lurve where we are now, but there's a big piece of my heart in Charleston. So...drumroll please...in exactly one month we will be reunited with Charleston AND with the best of friends!!! !! !! Here's hoping I can contain my excitement and not pee my pants waiting for November to get here. Nope, I can't. Hurry up, November.
This terrible quality photo is brought to you by the last time I saw these top notch people in May. CAN'T WAIT TO SQUEEZE YOUR FACES SOON.
Happy Friday!
I've bulk made meatballs during Whole 30 too. ahhh that Tupperwear of meatballs brings back so many memories. Like how I loved them at first and then despised them by the end. Ha, they are such an easy snack though. Cheers to Charleston!
xx, Carly | carly blogs
Yay for being reunited soon!! I am sure you are counting down the days!
Are all your friends coming to visit you or are coming back here in November? Either way, it sounds awesome!! Those meatballs look delicious (and I love the post title ;) ).
yayyy how exciting!
aint no party hahahaha love it.
tell me how to make meatballs that actually taste good? i've tried a million times (once) and they were bland and boring.
Yeah... that black bow tote. You DEFINITELY need it. And I'll take a matching one too! ;) HOORAY for seeing friends- let the countdown begin!!
Makes me want to do some of those pilate moves as well!
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