Your alarm goes off. Or maybe it's been going off? Who can really tell? All you know is that that thing is loud and you could have sworn you just went to bed 30 minutes ago...
Now. What's the first thing you do after turning off and/or snoozing the alarm?
Think about it. What is the very first thing you do in the mornings? Snuggle? Give a good morning kiss? Actually get up out of bed? Pee (not in the bad, ya nasty)?
I'll tell you the first thing I do in the mornings and no, it isn't take out my retainer. I leave in that bad boy because I'm too busy...
Listen, I'm sure we've talked about my obsession with Timehop before. It's a ridiculous app (emphasis on ridiculous in the best way possible) that shows you what you were doing on said day last year, two years ago, three years ago and, if you are really old, it will go all the way back to show you all those crazy teenage Facebook posts from many moons ago. People (me) go nuts over seeing this crap and then they (I) repost the pictures that are already on Facebook and Instagram because hey, what is life with social media if not to repost the same stuff an endless amount of times?
Like wanna know what I was doing today six years ago?
Being tagged in this picture on Facebook, duh.
Being tagged in this picture on Facebook, duh.
Or how about when I saw I wished my cousin a Happy Birthday 2 years ago yesterday AND I went ahead to wish her a Happy Birthday again yesterday! I mean, technology! Come on! I would have totally forgotten I wished her Happy Birthday on her birthday two years ago!
And nothing makes me happier than seeing who used to write on my Facebook wall. Hello, one name I didn't even recognize, nice to meet you (again? apparently?).
File this under Things I Definitely Shouldn't Love, But Not So Shamelessly Do Love.
Hmm, wonder what else is in that file?
-When people post rings pics after the proposal
You are smart and know what everyone really cares about.
-When you order regular fries and a stray curly fry ends up in the mix.
Same goes for onion rings.
-When places of business have a way to schedule appointments online.
Does anyone really enjoy talking on the phone? Riddle me that.
-When you're vacuuming and you hear something being sucked up.
Imma clean the crap outta you, carpet!
Happy Friday!
Me love you long time, Timehop.
-When people post rings pics after the proposal
You are smart and know what everyone really cares about.
-When you order regular fries and a stray curly fry ends up in the mix.
Same goes for onion rings.
-When places of business have a way to schedule appointments online.
Does anyone really enjoy talking on the phone? Riddle me that.
-When you're vacuuming and you hear something being sucked up.
Imma clean the crap outta you, carpet!
Happy Friday!
Me love you long time, Timehop.