January 7, 2015

currently: the no resolution edition

New month (erm, and year), new Currently linkup. Because nothing gets you through your Wednesday other than hearing what I'm up to right about now.

Well, what I'm up to other than mourning the end of a very, merry two-week holiday break. And sitting among mounds of dirty laundry that I just kinda don't care about right now (jay kay, I totally care and already started the washing process). Long hair, loves cleanliness, don't care. 

2015 vacas, babays. Freddie and I have big ideas about trips, but somehow our money tree isn't on the same page as we are and has yet to sprout. We might have to go along with some of our smaller ideas for this year. DC, we be coming for ya. I lived in DC one summer while I studied at Washington Ballet and I will forever and always claim it as the best summer of my life. And hey, I got married during the summer months so obviously this means something deep and important about that one, fateful summer in DC. 

I'm hoping that Netflix realizes what a horrible mistake it was to take off Desperate Housewives when I was 10 episodes away from finishing the series. Netflix, why? Why, why, why?

Good question. If by currently you mean recently then I could say some Christmas goodies. If currently means actually factually currently then I'd have to say nothing. Zilch. Zero. But I am very thankful for those who "bake" Kind bars because those babies are my busy teaching day jam. 

Holy Cotton/Not Spandex, I got to wear real clothes every day for the past two weeks and my closet was like Whoa, girl, get out. You're not allowed in here so much. Suck it, closet. I enjoyed every stressful second of picking out real clothes for 14 days. And now it's back to the leotard grind. I never realized how many different ways I could wear my 5 chambray shirts. Why explore the world of color when there is chambray in the world?

I have resolved to make zero specific resolutions this year. Instead I will live my life and have a shiz ton of fun this year. Deal?


Anne said...

Haha - yay, real clothes (chambray is the best!). I've been dealing with a bummer injury and unable to run/do spinning classes, but the upside is that I get into real clothes first thing in the morning instead of workout clothes and it's actually been quite nice. And yay, DC too - such a fun city to visit!

Thanks for linking up as always :)

Kayla MKOY said...

I like your non-resolution ;) you rock!! Caleb and I are looking for one big vacation to take and also a smaller weekend trip or two and DC is definitely on our list!!!! :)

Erin LFF said...


lessons-in-patience said...

I'm planning a trip to Washington, DC this summer too. It will be my first time there and I'm pretty excited.

Jenna Griffin | Gold & Bloom said...

How cruel of Netflix to remove DH! I loved that show and was so sad when it was canceled. Now I want to go back and watch it from the beginning...but BOO! Maybe they will add it back soon. Have you tried looking on Hulu?