September 12, 2014

friday favorites

Friday, you are such a tease. You know everyone loves you, you know everyone waits painfully for you to finally make your appearance each week, yet you still only decide to show up once a freaking week. 


With that being said, I took over the ever-so-complicated task of coming up with some favorites from this past week. I mean, how can someone have any favorites from regular week days that aren't Fridays?? I know, it's shocking, but I guess the regular 'ole week days aren't too bad... (spoiler alert: we all know they are bad).

Favorite Picture
This. This. This. 
Apparently I posted this precious photo (of my precious grandfather as a child) on Facebook 7 years ago (thanks again, Time Hop, I like you almost as much as I like Fridays). Cutestthingever. <<meant to be read with a baby voice and no breaks in between words. 
I'm sorry, I just have to share again.
Apparently I miss my grandfather? Time for another Georgia trip. 

Favorite Book
I'm not sure how to answer this one, but I know how not to answer it. 
According to my Kindle I'm about 50% through it and about 99% of me does not want to finish it.
1) Why am I reading about people having to get tortured and hurt and they like it? I mean, I've seen Iron Man and what the terrorists made Tony Stark do. This is the same thing, right?
2) ^^see above. I'm tired of it.
3) ^^see above. Why do I like reading about people getting beat up and tested all day, every day? I don't.

Favorite Find
With our impending move down the street we've been going through box after box of my our stuff. Holy Laughing Crying Face Emoji, best entertainment ever. Freddie does not like to stop and read every little ridiculous thing I wrote as a child and I do like to stop and read every little ridiculous thing I wrote as a child. This is where compromise comes in to play. Just kidding, there's no compromise. We I sit there and flip through every page of my childhood books and notebooks while Freddie sits there wondering why he married me. 
3 things:
1- "flipity flopity" <<always use when needing extra words for a rhyme scheme. 
2- Three things I most certainly no longer want to do in my life.
3- Retrefer dogs. 'Nuff said.

Favorite Song
Breezeblocks by alt-J.
Weirdest, yet most intriguing music video (and lyrics, most likely). It's definitely no T. Swift Shake It Off video. But since I never really know the real lyrics to any song and I only share the video with others in amusement this is on repeat in my house. And car. And earbuds. And brain.

Favorite Freddiefriend Face
My sister's favorite new thing to do is to crop out our ridiculous faces from outtake Cali pictures and Snapchat them to me with crazy captions. It's a fun game, really. Try it (but with your ridiculous face pictures, not mine. Obvi).

What are your favorites from the week? Slash what's your favorite Freddiefriend face?! Wink.

Happy Weekend!
Linking up with Lauren, Amanda, and Karli.


Kayla MKOY said...

That Freddie face!!!! Hahah I love it. And I'm the same way, when we did our "Operation clean out guest bedroom so guests can actually stay the night" a few weeks back we both stopped to read and look at every sentiment haha needless to say it took forever. And OMG! Your grandpa! Cutest thing ever haha

Ashley said...

The side by side of the 2 grandpa pictures are amazing!! Oh my goodness...seriously so much cuteness and sweetness.

I actually haven't read Divergent yet. I'm going to take your word on it and not wait for 4 months to get it from the library. :)

Erin LFF said...

Your grandpa!! OMG- cutest lil guy ever and such a handsome fellow now!!! :) We were at my grandparents last night and looked at some fun old pictures- I loved it :)

The Siberian American said...

Both of the photos of your grandpa are precious! :)

Christina said...

Your grandpa is seriously the cutest.

Also, I'm glad I'm not the only one who couldn't finish Divergent. I'm just getting tired of all the YA harry potter/hunger games mash-ups. If I read one more book about a group of people getting split up into specific groups because of talents or skills or what have you, I'm going to give up on reading.

I've decided to just see the movies and be done with it all haha.