January 31, 2013

favorites before february

February is trying to push her way in here and honestly, I am so letting her. January is the month where you start off all excited for a new year and new things and then you're just like eh, where my holidays at? Where is my holiday candy? Is it Valentine's Day yet? 

And guess what, V-day is a comin' which means chocolate is every. where. So February, hey girl hey.

But I do have some favorites from January, oh boy I do. I really did like being all giddy and new with January and I really like that Ashley started this link-up because who doesn't love being reminded of the best of the best from each month?! Count me in. 

This was the month when my brother flew in town and we had the best weekend ever. Seriously, we ate lots of Flying Biscuit. We had sibling photo shoots. We played lots of Personality which is a game you all need to play. Like need to play now. Like need to play with a glass of wine right now. And we danced in rehearsals for a play that he isn't even in. Doesn't that sound like fun?! I realize that this probably only sounds fun to one person and that is me, but just roll with me here. F-U-N.

This is the month that Freddie had an awesome and big and important interview. (SO much more on that later, alligators. Just know that Freddiefriend is such a hot shot with super hot legs). And what is the best way Freddie could have gotten ready for said big interview? Probably look at kissy pictures and eat Rolos..I mean Yolos, of course. Gets the blood going...or something like that.

This is the month that I really truly joined the blogging world. And by that, I mean, I finally started commenting on blogs I lurve stalking reading. I finally started meeting new and fun bloggers. I finally started participating in link-ups and giveaways. Look at all this bloggy lingo going on! Link-ups! Giveaways! No non-blogger could ever figure out what these things are. I finally made a darn button, I mean that in itself is like the biggest accomplishment from January, right? 

And speaking of giveaways...
I'm joining forces with some fancy schmancy ladies and helping Nicole from Pharr Away give away a Kindle Fire! Did you hear me? a freaking Kindle Fire. For Free. Did you hear me? Why are you still reading this and not entering for a chance to win?

1.  Sarah | 2. Lauren Sl. | 3. Emily M. | 4.  Katrice | 5. Stephanie
 6. Kisha | 7. Andrea | 8. Janna | 9. Kayla  | 10. Marcy
11. Torrie | 12. Caroline | 13. Rebekah  | 14. Ashley


Entering is a breeze, simply use the Rafflecopter below!
The giveaway will run through 11:59pm on Wednesday (02/06/13).
So get to it, ENTER NOW!!!


Ah, the RULES
The giveaway is open to US RESIDENTS only.
*You must follow Pharr Away via GFC or Bloglovin' to win.
The winner will be notified via email by Friday (02/08/13). 
You will have 48 hours from the timestamp on the email to respond, or a new winner will be chosen.
 If you claim to have done a task you did not - a new winner will be chosen!!!
View the Terms & Conditions listed on the Rafflecopter below.
Now go on...enter why don't ya!!!


January 29, 2013

this is a post that makes no sense

I want you to read the title of my post to the tune of The Song That Never Ends. Wasn't that fun? Good news is, this post will eventually end, but lawd knows it does not make much sense. 

I have a note in my phone, well I have many notes in my phone. Notes about work, notes from a wine tasting, notes with lovey dovey stuff from Freddie, notes with gift ideas for people (people, don't go snooping in my notes app now). But I have this one particular note where I write down potential blog ideas. Things to post, topics about which to talk, yadda yadda, fun stuff like that. I have a lot of ideas in this note; however, I have only ever written about one of those ideas. 

But that's not why I am writing this post. I am not going to take you through each idea individually and talk about it. Although, that would make for a super fun post, dontcha think?

I am writing this post because I am in my car a lot. Like y'all, I totaled up the number of hours I spend driving each week and it kind of almost equals the number of hours I teach each week. Oh the glories of living in Atlanta (not). As I sit in my car and drive drive drive (or sit in my car and not drive because I am literally sitting in traffic), I do many things. Sometimes I sing really loudly, or I yell loudly at the crazy Atlanta drivers, or sometimes I sit in silence, or I listen to my iPod, or I listen to the radio. 

The radio. I hate that I am one of those radio listeners because I mean, really, who likes all the songs they play on the radio? In order to enjoy the radio, you have to have at least 4 stations pre-set so that you can easily switch between them when dumb songs come on. And then it becomes all about switching the stations instead of just listening. And then you just want to plug in your iPod but you like really need new music. 

And don't even get me started about the commercials. Actually, do get me started about commercials. Because that is what I want to discuss--a commercial that I keep hearing. There is a commercial about Georgia commuter problems (which is a horrible problem. During rush hour, Atlanta roads get more backed up than an army of screaming constipated babies. And yes I had to use that nasty analogy for you to understand the problem). This commercial talks about solving our problems by driving less or carpooling. Teleworking is also suggested. And so sitting there I'm like I wonder who could carpool to Kennesaw on Mondays and Tuesdays? And Buckhead on Wednesdays and Thursdays? And Newnan on week nights? Oh and Dunwoody on every other day. Oh yeah, that's no one. And then I'm like I wonder if I can teach via Skype. Does that count as teleworking? But then I think how much easier it would be if I could just apparate to where I need to be? And then I think why are we not all Harry Potters because wouldn't life be the easiest if we could apparate places? 

I then I realize that this post makes no sense. And that oh my goodness gracious. I am alone in my car way too much. 

The End. 

Georgia, you better be glad I love ya. Because sometimes I really don't like driving all around you.

p.s.--Remember when people used to tell you, "XYZ! Examine your zipper!" And you were like noo, my zipper has been down, how embarrassing. Well that's why buttons are better. And what better way to remember to button up than grabbing my button over there on the right hand side bar?! It is a miracle that I figured out how to make one so let's relish in this moment and all button up together.

Helene in Between
Linking up with Helene

January 22, 2013

me me me

Today is a day for link ups. And guess what?  Whitney from over at I Wore Yoga Pants to Work has declared this link up to be facts about me. And you, but about me on this blog. 

Ooo blogs, such easy places to be selfish and vain.
But instead of focusing on that downer fact, let's focus on how excited you all are to learn more about me?!

Can I get a "heeeey-oh!"?

Fact: I only like to write with blue ink pens.
What a weirdo. I really don't have an explanation for this one...so yeah. Give me the blue pen, puh-lease. 

Fact: I am left handed bodied. 
I am the only person in my family that is left handed. And when I say left handed/bodied, I mean it. The right side of my body can't do anything. Which is a weird thing to say...but since I'm a dancer, I especially notice all the things I can do better with my left side. Pros: It makes me cool (a.k.a. different). It makes me smart (all the smarties were/are left handed, look it up). Cons: It makes me smear the ink every. time. I. write. Every time. 
Wash your hands, nasty!

Fact: I talk out loud to other drivers. I "exclaim" how they are annoying me.
 Living in Atlanta and having to be in my car more hours than I am at work has turned me into a monster. The grumpy old aggressive driver kind of monster. That's what sitting in traffic 'erry day will do to ya. This has been a recent revelation. I noticed what a monster I had become last week when I caught myself loudly saying things like, Oh cool! Why don't you just go 25 mph and make my day?! and I love it when you cut me off! NOT. and Thanks for almost hitting me. Let's do that again!! 

Fact: Getting tattoos doesn't bother me, but piercings freak me out.
Use a needle to carve ink inside my skin and I'm fine. Pull out a needle to pierce my ear and I cry. I don't know why, but ehhh just thinking about it makes me cringe in fear and disgust. 
A cold January night back in 2008, when my friends told me we were going out to dinner. Instead they took me to get my first tattoo. Surprise. 

Fact: I hate hate people trying to take serious pictures of me. 
A.k.a.-I think I look dumb.
And by serious, I mean just nice smiling pictures. I look like a crazy person. Every time Freddie pulls out his camera I just make faces. Because embracing the crazy in pictures looks better than trying to hide it with an awful looking smile, right? Right? Anyone? Also, my go to face is some weird "Hey, I'm smiling but with my mouth wide open and now I just look dumber" face. 
Hey! It's Alan Rickman! I'm so excited let me open my mouth to show you.

Let's just take pictures like this all the time! Much better.

Fact: I am crazy about my teeth. 
When I say crazy, I mean more on the insane side of the crazy than the kind of normal side of crazy. I am crazy about the being white and straight and perfect and wonderful and healthy parts. All of it. I wear my retainers every night because otherwise I can tell my teeth have shifted. Promise, they do, they really do. I've only had one cavity and it was so small they just filed it down. The really sad part about that is that I now have to admit that I have had a cavity. I floss every night because a floss a day keeps the dentist away. They never teach ya that riddle in school...

She be crazy! I know what you're thinking.

Fact: I am terrified of eye drops.
I can't even watch people put them in without wanting to curl up in a ball. Don't touch my eyes. Even you, eye doctor.
Getting glasses and being scared to go to the eye doctor was a fun experience.

Fact: I am writing facts when I should be choreographing.
Burn! Just called out myself. I've got a class later today that needs to learn the rest of their Razzle Dazzle dance. That's my cue to go. Chicago is calling out to my dancing feet.

Also linking up with this dancin' queen, Helene, today.
Helene in Between

January 21, 2013

on the time i pretended to be a model

Ann. Ann Ann Bo Ban, Banana Fana, Fo Fan. If you have been following my writings for awhile then you know how jealous I am of my sister. Of her dimples (face cheek dimples, y'all, sheesh), her fashion sense, and her hair. UGH, her beautiful wonderful hair. It hurts to even bring it up. My hair is hiding in shame. 

Anyways, for the past couple of years Ann has picked up a new hobby/talent/specialty of which we should all be jealous: photography. And lemme tell ya, that little sister of mine takes some mighty fine pictures. She's been taking classes and experimenting and building a portfolio for awhile now. I felt like it was my sisterly duty to offer my modeling services in order to help her broaden her portfolio as she prepares for college next year.

Hahaha, sorry y'all. I couldn't keep that one up any longer. I have zero modeling bones in my body and tend to smile like a teething cheesy baby when a camera is in front of me. Here's what really happened...Ann is always looking for new creative ideas for her pictures. I am always missing the days of dancing 24/7. Ann felt like it was her sisterly duty to accommodate to my dance yearning and suggested a dance photo shoot.

A dance photo shoot! Dance. Photo shoot. Doesn't that just sound cool? I thought so. 
So we studied the Ballerina Project (which you should study as well because it is more fun and more beautiful than really studying) and set out on a project of our own. 

Best part of the photo day? We waited to do it until our brother was in town visiting and turned it into a big sibling talk/fix the dance lines (veeeery important in posing for dance, der)/laugh until we hurt kind of photo shoot.

Enjoy and Ooo and Ahh. And trust me, we're all in this "I'm jealous of Ann's photography talent" together. 

These last two are frame worthy. Ann and Broseph make for a good time. 

photo credit: Ann Moore Photography

January 15, 2013

you do it to -agram

Instagram. Oh you beautiful little app, you. 

My name is Emily and I am an avid 'grammer. Hi, Emily. Seriously though, I love Instagram. It turned us all into professional photographers (excuse me, it made us think that we are all professional photographers) and I just don't see anything wrong with an app that is so easy and empowering. With one click of the camera button, one choice of a filter(after maaaany reconsiderations), maybe a tilt shift or brightening feature, and BAM. The most amazing picture you have ever taken is out there for all the world to see! 

You know you think all of your finished Instagrams are the best pictures ever too. Don't put me in that corner alone. 

And let's talk about how easy it is to 'gram anything. Foodagrams. Insertnamegrams. Overgrams. Latergrams. Icankeepdoingthisforevergrams. Ok, maybe 'graming everything is annoying, but still. Super catchy. Doing it is kind of like singing along to Call Me Maybe (on repeat). Annoying and super catchy. 

After thorough research I found many ways to display Instagrams. If we are taking all of these best pictures ever, then we have to display them somehow and somewhere other than the app! What a waste of profesh pictures!

You can:
Print them in paper squares or aluminum square via PostalPix.
Turn them into magnets via Stickygram.
Send them in postcard form via Postagram.
Make posters and calendars and other goodies via Printstagram and CanvasPop and soo many more. 
Want an iPhone case made form your Instas? Hello, Casestagram.
There is even a way to turn them into pillows! Sleeping on my pictures? Yes, Stitchtagram, yes. 

I hope you are loving these 'grammed names as much as I am. It is so cheesy that it's good. 

In conclusion, I will leave you with some of my Instagrammed favorites. Choosing favorites is almost as hard as choosing filters (my fellow 'grammars totally know what I mean), but I narrowed it down to some good ones. Now, go take some Instagram pictures and write your own ridiculous post of this precious little picture app. 

Oh yeah, and while you're at it, maybe follow mle22moore on Instagram :) Which means I can then stalk follow you and how awesome is that?

Did I mention how hard it is to narrow down said pictures?

Linking up with Helene and Emily today. (and Nicole!) 

January 12, 2013

basketball vs. balletball

I grew up going to football and basketball games. I mean, Russ Moore worked for Georgia Tech, so I grew up going to those games pretty frequently. My size 7 GT cheerleading outfit got some good use, let's put it that way. 

But in all that mess of games, I somehow never managed really to learn anything about the sports. I knew when our team scored and when to cheer and when to belt out the words to I'm a Ramblin' Wreck, but meanwhile, I really learned about ballet. And how to activate my rotator muscles in order to maintain my balances and when to tombe pas de bourree before a saut de chat and when to chassee before a saut de chat.

That my friends, was all I ever needed to know about anything sportsy. Or so I thought until today when I was asked who the center is in basketball and I responded that he is the one that stands center stage. (Okay okay, that's a funny! I obviously know it is a basketball court and not a stage. Give me 1% of credit.)

You know how sometimes you think guys never think things through or think of things ahead of time? Come on, you all sometimes wonder if men really ever think or plan. Well, good news. They do. Sometimes. And this particular time, Freddie came up with a pretty good plan ahead of time. As a Christmas present, FF bought my whole family tickets to a Georgia Teach basketball game. For a GT crazed family, this gift could not have been more perfect. Especially because my dear, sweet grandfather (a.k.a Mr. Diddy; a.k.a. the Dids) is a Tech alum. And the last time he was up on campus having fun was the day he flipped over our stairs and broke his hip. And since then he has been in surgery and rehab and trying to heal and being confined to Newnan. It has been 5 months since that man had some real fun, and that was exactly what today was: real big fun.

I may be biased (but I'm not), but these two Tech alums are my favorite Tech alums.
The whole gang of Yellow Jacket lovers.

Thanks for a fun day, Freddiefriend and family!