July 30, 2012

on being the granddaughter of a 90 year old

Good 'ole Granddaddy Ray celebrated his 90th birthday yesterday. Born in 1922 (I did the math for you, you're welcome), this man has lived to see it all! And most importantly, he has lived through 20 something Olympic games. 

One day during my teenage years, as Russ Moore drove me to school, he asked me what fascinated me. In true teenage form I balked and rolled my eyes and gave every answer but a serious answer. As I sit here reflecting on my short 23 years with this 90 year old man, I can't help but use the word fascinating to describe Ray Moore's life. 

Ray Moore has not only lived to see it all, he has lived it all. From serving our country overseas during World War II to becoming Atlanta's most eligible bachelor (a very prestigious title to hold, ya know). From starting a family and raising three crazy Moore boys to writing, reporting, and working in radio and television for some 42 or so years. From working with names such as Tom Brokaw and Monica Kauffman to interviewing Martin Luther King Jr., Robert Frost, and Bobby Kennedy. This man's life has been anything short of fascinating, exciting, and very, very memorable. 
                                                   photo thanks to donmcclellan.wordpress.com

...But, I'm not here to talk about Ray Moore. I'm here to talk about Granddaddy.

The Granddaddy that would put on a cape and chase us around the house as the Count from Sesame Street! The Granddaddy that would make sure to take us to the park (or the pool!) every time we visited. The Granddaddy that put on a captain hat and played Barbie and Ken with me and the Granddaddy that always has a freezer stocked full of desserts. (Delicious chocolatey desserts at that. My chocolate obsession definitely comes from that man). The Granddaddy that took us on our very first Disney trip (first of many!) and walked around park after park with four angelic and not at all whiney grandchildren. The Granddaddy that clips out magazine and newspaper articles of things that reminds him of us and sends them off via snail mail for our enjoyment. The Granddaddy that sent me an e-mail telling me he was up tossing and turning all night thinking about whatever obstacles were presently in my life. 

The Granddaddy that faithfully reads my blog even though computers are things of mass confusion and frustration to him. 

The Granddaddy that was able to be there when I finally walked across that stage and got my college diploma. 

And while there are perks to having Ray Moore as your grandfather (helloooo, my birth was announced during the 11 o'clock news on July 15, 1989. Famous.), there is no greater perk than having a Granddaddy who is inspiring, incredibly supportive, and endlessly loving. 

Granddaddy, Happy 90 years! I vote the celebration never ends from here on out. I love you!

Here are pictures from the celebrations with the entire Moore clan. Lotsa Moore family equals lots Moore fun.

July 23, 2012

saturday the fun fatter-day

Saturday was the day! Let me tell you what, Saturday was full of good things. And good food. Hence the name fatter-day. Freddie and I spent the day reveling in PBBSBM (Post Birthday But Still Birthday Month) celebrations and boy, did we revel up some fun. 

We spent a good part of the day at Serenbe. Serenbe is like a slice of heaven after spending the majority of my summer days sitting in Atlanta traffic. I say sitting because there is very little driving involved when one is stuck in the middle of Atlanta traffic. But Lawd knows, there is a whole lotta sittin' to be done. At Serenbe, everything is in walking distance! And the restaurants use food from the farms! And it is so quiet! And they have a whole shop dedicated to wine and chocolate! A shop that we walked to! Are the exclamation points adding excitement for you?! Because it is for me. I felt like a giant exclamation point walking around Serenbe with my FF. I should say we were meandering around Serenbe because that sounds more leisurely and non-Atlanta like. 

After a day of eating, meandering, and shopping we went to Fern's General Store where they sell King of Pops AND have cold soda water. Talk about the biggest double whammy ever! Our acquired snobbish carbonated only water tastebuds were so ecstatic. Also, the KOP labels were super fancy. Like for real, what is this place?? And as if fancy popsicle labels and cold carbonated water weren't enough, they sold sweet potato gnocchi in the market. Whoa. Just stop, Serenbe. Freds and I picked up some gnocchi to boil up for dinner and hit the road for the next goody good adventure of the day. 

After family time and olive oil/balsamic vinegar taste testing time (that is for a post of its own but I suspect it is the most perfect tasting oil ever in the sense like Jesus is the definition of perfect), we headed over to TJMaxx because who doesn't like some Maxx time on a fun filled fatter-day? The answer is, obviously, no one. 

Side note: V-neck t-shirts on men are the best. things. ever. No, not the deep v-neck where it is like Hello Dude, trying to show some cleavage or are you just showcasing your one lonely chest hair? No no, the slight V v-necks that make you want to put your finger on the V to pull in that hunk of a man towards you. Mmhmm, you know what I'm talking about. I think men everywhere should invest in v-necks and wear them daily. And then thank me when all of a sudden everyone loves you. Well, Freddiefriend up and bought a bajillion v-necks! In this case, bajillion means four. Four! Four whole v-necks.

Then we went back to Atlanta and made sweet potato gnocchi with Gouda cheese sauce for dinner. And I used my best Kelly Kapoor from The Office voice and begged for a v-neck fashion show, fashion show, fashion show at dinner. 

By golly, that FF guy makes me feel all gushy lovey-dovey. Especially when I get to spend a whole day with him.

And that my friends is how you have a fun filled fatter-day Saturday. 

Isn't it the fanciest KOP label you ever did see?
That's the back of a man in a v-neck shirt right there.

July 17, 2012

the greatest life

I know I write a lot about how I have the greatest family. (slash sister. Hellooo, hair). Or the greatest Freddiefriend boyfriend. But I rarely write about my friends and that is just nonsense because they are the greatest too. Oh boy, and this past weekend they did all sorts of wonderful things. So here is a post about how I have the greatest friends. 

Fact. I kind of make a big deal out of my birthday. You know the little 6 year olds who get so excited about their birthdays and it is all they can think or talk about? That is me. Multiplied by some big numbers. But I mean come on! Birthdays are so exciting! The world was blessed with a new awesome person (you) (and me) on that day. The only thing up there on the same excitement level is Christmas. And let me tell you what, my birthday being in the summer is perfect. I mean, hello, birthday and Christmas are spread out evenly throughout the year so I get to feel all the excitements all the time. Thanks MC and Russell for perfectly planning my summer birthday ;)

Anyways, back to those friendly friends of mine. 

Most people could (and probably do) roll their eyes at my birthday madness month. Not my great friends, oh no. They pull out all the tricks! Surprise visits and thoughtful presents. Creative birthday wishes and gourmet meals. Singing and dancing and laughing, oh my! I had such a wonderful weekend celebrating with the most thoughtful and fun group of people. Ever. I also gained 5 lbs. this weekend so let's just call it a success all around. 

Ruth, I am so glad you flew in for the weekend! Live with me forever. And never leave for a year again. No m'am.

Dan, will you come into town for surprise visits more often? With flowers? I'm spoiled. 

Caroline, err I mean Shamu, high five on the best. texts. ever. Texting teenagers everywhere should be jealous. 

Kate, OMG SCOUTMOB! You know how to feed my food obsession. 

I can't finish this post without also saying thanks to my greatest family and my greatest Freddiefriend. And FF's fam. Everyone was birthday-licious. And I loved every second spent with all of you! Now, time to get ready for Santa. 

July 10, 2012

a case of the no funday mondays

Growing up is hard to do. But for real. Summer feels like...every other week during the year except a lot more sweat and a lot fewer clothes. Gone are the days of endless free days and 5 vacations/trips per summer months. Gone are the days of spending every day at the pool from opening to closing time. Gone are the days of living off of candy bars and...oh wait, those days aren't gone just yet.

Yesterday was just a funny day. Every little thing that happened was obviously a big ole fat joke. And boy, was I laughing! While I did title this post the non fun-day Monday, it really all started on Sunday. Sunday, you were not nice, no sir. 

The downward no fun spiral started on Sunday evening when we got a sign from the Universe. Yep! It's true. The Universe spoke and told me, Freddiefriend, and Jimmie not come home from vacation this weekend by giving us a flat tire on the way home. We were meant to stay in FL! It was our destiny and we ruined it! And because of that, we had to be punished. Which leads in my no fun-day Monday. 

After returning to GA during the deep deep night and closing my eyes for what felt like a quick nap, I was up and driving to Kennesaw. I always say that driving down 85 to Newnan feels like you are going to the armpit of GA. Exit after exit after exit... well if Newnan is the armpit of GA then Kennesaw is the knee pit. (Georgia is obviously an upside down man, okay? Roll with me here). It is so far away! It's like the more you drive the farther away it gets. Mind blown! Crazy! It doesn't feel real. Once I got to Kennesaw to teach my dance camp I realized I had a piece of glass stuck in my foot. The tiniest piece of glass somehow caused the biggest amount of pain. And a good amount of blood. So naturally I danced on it and shoved it up real good in my skin because I mean, what else was I supposed to do? 

Here is what went down next: 
Scene 1-My dentist (in Newnan) called to move my appointment to 2. Camp ends at noon. Plenty of time to drive to the GA's armpit and stop somewhere by the shoulder to get some lunch on the way. Right? Wrong. Because first days of camp are confusing and parents don't remember what time the camp ends so we wait a long time for pick ups. 

Scene 2-I arrive at the dentist office just in time. Getting from Kennesaw to Newnan in one hour? Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I will accept an award. They sit me in a room immediately which makes me giddy because I think this procedure will be fast and I can finally eat my first meal of the day.

Right? Wrong. Because duh! You sit in the room waiting in the dentist chair for 2 hours instead of waiting in the designated waiting room. I was so naive before yesterday. I learned so much. 

Scene 3 a.k.a Best Scene Ever-Towards the end of my 1.5ish hour wait I am about to unleash my hanger or hungry anger on someone. I had not eaten all day. I had a shard of glass wedged somewhere in my foot. And my teeth were probably rotting right there as the time ticked away.

Right? WRONG. Because HERE IS THE KICKER....::drum roll:: I have magic teeth! Magic! You heard correctly. When the dentist finally strolls in and takes a peek in my mouth he exclaims that there is nothing he can do today. No, not because my sticky pits turned into cavities. More like my sticky pits vanished when my teeth decided to re-mineralize themselves and be perfect and clean. I'm sorry, you've never heard of teeth re-mineralizing either? Good, so we'll just say I have magic teeth.

Scene 4- Hangrily, I go home and eat a baby Milky Way bar. Oh yeah dentist, my magic teeth and I will show you. Don't you make us wait again.

Oh yeah. And Russ Moore performed surgery on my foot and got some glass out with his pocket knife. Real Grey's Anatomy style. 

Well shucks, Tuesday, you just seem boring now.
Mary Caroline, if you're reading this, shopping this afternoon with you was my favorite and not boring at all.   

And some pictures from vacation weekend...

And post-Universe speaking experience picture...

July 5, 2012

petit jeté means little jump

Y'all...my job is kind of crazy. The awesome kind of crazy. I've always loved ballet (except for those few years I didn't) and I've always loved kids (except for those times when I nannied and they peed on me...nope, still loved 'em) so my job is the perfect culmination of all good things. 

Every day I put on my leotard and tights, slick back my hair into a bun, and head out the door. Most days I think to myself, "I thought I was done wearing pink tights under my leotard years ago..." or  "How many butt cheeks does this leotard make me have?" or "I hate hairspray. So much for my hair looking normal today..." 

For those of you who don't know, wearing pink tights under your leotard is so a young ballerina thing. Once you make it you can totes wear whatever. And that usually doesn't involve pink tights unless you're on stage. Especially if your name is Emily Moore. Holler! Hate those pesky pink tights. 

And every day when I get to ballet camps my little ballerinas Ohh and Ahh and squeal and tell me how I look like a real ballerina. Or a princess. And how they want to look just like me. And can I show their moms how to do a real ballerina bun? Those squeals and big excited eyes that take in everything I do and wear make. my. day. 

So here's to all the little ballerinas who have made all my summer days so far. You guys rock. And y'all do awesome petit jetes. 

Lawd have mercy. If this picture doesn't make YOU Ohh and Ahh, then I don't know. Go find your happy place because this picture melts me up like a hershey bar waiting to go on a s'more! mmm!

P.S.--it is my birthday month. And I was nice enough to share with America and all, but now the party can really start.