January 29, 2011

Never trust a man who doesn't take the time to watch a sunset

This has been my setting every night for the past week...

I spent the week at Cape San Blas with the lovely Rivers' kids and ever so wonderful (and wise!) Helen. No matter what we were doing (kids running around, dinner being cooked, TV on, books in hand, etc., etc.) the sunset became like a giant magnet pulling our eyes towards it. Life as we knew it paused or plaused as Righton would say and we all stood, eyes glued straight ahead and mouth possibly wide open, and watched the sun disappear.

After marveling one night one Helen turned to me and said, "Never trust a man who doesn't take the time to watch a sunset." So watch out, men of the world, I'm testing you.

On a completely different side note, I don't speak html. I chose to take Latin and French as my languages growing up which apparently was a bad choice. So, long story short, my blog really dislikes my lack of html knowledge and isn't cooperating with the big makeover changes I had in mind. In fact, it is even changing the way I originally had it, just because. This change will happen---one day. Just keep anxiously waiting on the edge of your computer chair seat but don't sit there and continually press REFRESH. Time to go learn html and computer gibberish. Or find an html-ian who is bored...

January 17, 2011

Heaven on Earth

Ooh heaven is a place on earth.

It's true. Heaven really is a place (or a few places) on earth. And I went to this earthly heaven on Saturday. 

That's right, my friends. I am speaking of the one, the only Whole Foods Market. I cannot express the joy and excitement I get whenever we run out of enough food and are in desperate need of a run up to the big ATL to experience the magic of Whole Foods. Saturday, after lots of pushing and bribing on my part, turned into one of those run up to ATL days. And it was perfect. 

After walking up and down every aisle, admiring everything from the adzuki beans to the naan pizza to the freshly cut organic pineapple to the ever so tempting chocolate fountain, I was definitely humming "oooh heaven is a place one earth..." in my head. Not gonna lie, there is no shame in some wholesome Whole Foods love. 

On a side note, my sister is obsessed with half birthdays. Let me take that back, my sister is obsessed with HER half birthday; however, it didn't take her (or my mom) but a few hours into the fine day of January 15 to pipe up and inform me that it was, indeed, my half birthday. Cause for celebration? I think YES. 

As if spending a day baha-ing up to Whole Foods wasn't enough, I topped off the ATL trip with a run to COSTCO. Oh. My. Goodness. Gracious. Heavens. Alive. Could the day have gotten any better? Really? Days like this make for a happy and giddy little MLE Moore. 

sooo happy and a totally believable picture

Anyways, to make a long and spectacular story of grocery buying short, we ended the day with some chaulet (a.k.a.-chocolate for those of you are not in the know). Perfection. I think I now get why my sister likes half birthdays so much...

Last thing, I've been stalking some overly precious and adorable blogs lately. I'm thinking Yippee! is headed straight to a teeny weeny makeover. Stay tuned. 

January 10, 2011

Let It Ice, Let It Ice, Let It Ice

Oh the weather outside is frightful, but the fire is so... oh wait, there's no fire burning here, but the space heater is pretty delightful. It's the blizzard of 2011--dun dun dun. 2-5 inches of snow turned into more like a "snow sandwich" consisting of a layer of ice, a layer of snow, and another layer of ice. A crunchy, slippy and very cold mess. My dog would rather cross her legs and hold it all day than have to face the scary ice world.

Agenda for the day:
1) Sit under blankets.
2) Eat a somewhat excessive amount of chocolate (preferably dark chocolate).
3) Watch an infinite amount of rented TV shows. Bring it on Big Love, Private Practice, and Royal Pains.

P.S.-Thank you, Weather Channel for keeping us in the know about  the impending blizzard so that we were able to hit up Hastings just in time to get all the goods before the Ice Queen showed her wrath to Newnan.

Accomplishments for the day:
1) CHECK. Double check.
2) Check, thank goodness for receiving dark chocolate as a Christmas present.
3) Still in the process of checking. We're gone through the trials and tribulations of Juniper Creek and having 3 wives in suburbia, moved over to the drama ridden doctor offices of Oceanside Wellness, and now finishing it off with some high class concierge doctor treatment from good ole Hank. 

Anyone want to come ice skating on the ice rink formally known as the Moore family front yard?

So, with that being said, time to go curl back up under my blanket, put a piece of chocolate in my mouth, and watch Hank save some Hamptonians? Hamptonites? People of the Hamptons. 

Hope y'all can stay warm! Freezing is no fun.